Co-Managing Director UK for digital investor relations organisation
EQS Group AG is a Munich, Germany headquartered publicly-listed provider of digital investor relations (IR) solutions to public and private organisations. Its single source, regulatory compliant, digital IR solutions are transforming the conservative IR market globally.
To enable this global growth, EQS’ CEO & Founder, Achim Weick, selected Spectrum’s worldwide partner, Glasford International, to deliver a ‘one stop’ solution for its leadership recruitment – wherever that may be.
In the UK, Spectrum was engaged to deliver a search for a Co-Managing Director. We worked for EQS in a globally consistent and compliant manner, that was overseen by our colleague in Germany David Buchberger: Glasford’s Managing Partner in Germany, and the group’s Global Account Director for EQS Group.
An intense search focussed on the investor relations market: encompassing contemporary and traditional IR solution providers, as well as the major PR agencies with an IR capability.
A highly qualified longlist was then presented, from which EQS’ CEO selected three preferred candidates to interview when he was in London, after which, the selected candidate was invited to attend further interviews in London and Munich.
Viviane Joynes joined EQS UK from Capita in the spring of 2017 as Co-Managing Director, and Glasford International has since been engaged in other countries to conduct leadership search work on behalf of EQS Group.
Daniel Osmer, Spectrum’s Managing Partner said: “The beauty of Spectrum being an integral part of the global executive search organisation, Glasford International, is that we can, as a group, provide clients with a consistent, one stop solution for their leadership recruitment needs – wherever in the world that might be. It is always a pleasure to work with our German colleagues at Glasford, particularly when it comes to supporting entrepreneurial and fast growth clients – such as EQS Group”.
I’m very confident, that Viviane will be a great asset to EQS in UK and to the whole group. Please let me thank you for your outstanding performance. We were all impressed by your very professional process and especially by your enthusiastic briefings. The candidates loved EQS even before I met them. And thanks a lot for the Post Assignment Report, which is very interesting and helpful. We’re looking forward to working with you again at the next occasion.
Achim Weick, EQS Group AG’s CEO
The beauty of Spectrum being an integral part of the global executive search organisation, Glasford International, is that we can, as a group, provide clients with a consistent, one stop solution for their leadership recruitment needs – wherever in the world that might be. It is always a pleasure to work with our German colleagues at Glasford, particularly when it comes to supporting entrepreneurial and fast growth clients – such as EQS Group.
Daniel Osmer, Spectrum’s Managing Partner
Case Study Overview

Work Completed
Co-Managing Director
Daniel Osmer