The Importance of Being a Chairman

The chief executive may get the glory and the salary, but leading the board is an increasingly important role, requiring subtlety, maturity and an iron grip on the agenda. A good chairman is at least as important for the long-term prosperity of a business as a good CEO, and often harder to find.

By |2015-07-24T11:58:32+01:0026 June 2014|Articles for Board Members, Other News, Views and Research|Comments Off on The Importance of Being a Chairman

Advisory Boards: An untapped resource for businesses

BDC undertook the first-ever Canadian study on the use of advisory boards by small and medium?sized enterprises (SMEs). The study describes how advisory boards work in these businesses and quantitatively demonstrates that SMEs that use them have superior growth and better financial results.

By |2015-07-27T11:44:53+01:002 April 2014|Articles for Board Members, Other News, Views and Research|Comments Off on Advisory Boards: An untapped resource for businesses
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