CEO Benchmarking Report

In January of 2019, The Predictive Index™ surveyed 156 CEOs, presidents, and chairpeople. They asked a slew of questions that cut to the heart of what drives them, what their challenges are, and what keeps them up at night. Their answers revealed the patterns of high-performing CEOs and allowed us to explore the executives’ inner thoughts and biggest weaknesses.

By |2019-03-26T10:10:45+00:0026 March 2019|Articles for CEOs, Other News, Views and Research|Comments Off on CEO Benchmarking Report

World Economic Forum: Top 10 skills and workforce strategies in 2020

It is no surprise that more than one-third of skills that are considered important in today’s workforce will change five years from now. By one popular estimate, 65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that don’t yet exist.

By |2019-02-05T12:58:50+00:005 February 2019|Other News, Views and Research, Surveys & Research|Comments Off on World Economic Forum: Top 10 skills and workforce strategies in 2020

Strong and Weak Technologies

Technologies - from smartphones to cloud to video to the internet - usually arrive in pairs: a "strong" form and a "weak" form. Strong technologies adapt the world to themselves, building from first principles; weak technologies, on the other hand, adapt to the world as it currently exists.

By |2019-01-30T11:31:36+00:0030 January 2019|Digital Articles, Other News, Views and Research|Comments Off on Strong and Weak Technologies

Spectrum supports the Tech Talent Charter

The Tech Talent Charter (TTC) was founded by a number of organisations across the recruitment, tech and social enterprise fields and was supported in the government’s policy paper on the UK Digital Strategy in March 2017. The initiative was established to encourage organisations to deliver greater parity amongst their technical staff. The TTC is for organisations of all sizes, from start-ups to large multinationals, spanning all industry sectors from entertainment to banking.

By |2019-01-16T11:49:15+00:0016 January 2019|Other News, Views and Research, Surveys & Research|Comments Off on Spectrum supports the Tech Talent Charter
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