Executive Search – UK Co-MD designate / Sales Director (enterprise IT Solutions for the housing & property sectors)

Spectrum have just begun a retained search on behalf of our client, an established global provider of enterprise software, SaaS, digital and mobile solutions.

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8th Spectrum & Ardent eCommerce Leadership Dinner, September 2016

Spectrum’s 8th eCommerce Leadership Dinner took place on 26th September in London in association with Ardent Advisors, the corporate finance firm. The roundtable dinner discussion began by examining the impact of the EU Referendum, and moved on to consider how the US presidential election might impact business. The most notable discussions points were:

By |2017-01-12T12:58:34+00:0010 October 2016|News from Spectrum, Spectrum Events|Comments Off on 8th Spectrum & Ardent eCommerce Leadership Dinner, September 2016

Women Returners – the most untapped talent source in the UK?

Are women who don’t return to professional employment after raising children the most untapped talent source in the UK? We believe they might well be, and encouraging those that want to successfully back into paid employment at scale would have significant benefits to UK productivity and to society as a whole. This is why we are delighted to support the activities of Women Returners.

By |2017-01-12T12:58:50+00:006 October 2016|News from Spectrum, Spectrum News|Comments Off on Women Returners – the most untapped talent source in the UK?

Thinking global: how you can benefit from Spectrum’s international reach

We all live in a globalised world, and if we don’t “think global”, then we begin to limit our own potential - as well as that of our organisations. So, as a specialist boutique board and executive search firm, how does Spectrum deliver international solutions to our retained clients?

By |2017-01-12T12:55:06+00:0026 September 2016|News from Spectrum, Spectrum News|Comments Off on Thinking global: how you can benefit from Spectrum’s international reach

Peter Waine appointed as Chairman of Spectrum’s Advisory Board

Peter Waine has joined Spectrum as of 1st September 2016 as Chairman of the Advisory Board. A former Director of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI), Peter is best known as the co-founder of Hanson Green: for many years the principal source for chairmen and non-executive appointments in the UK.

By |2016-09-16T13:36:10+01:0016 September 2016|News from Spectrum, Spectrum News|Comments Off on Peter Waine appointed as Chairman of Spectrum’s Advisory Board
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