6th Spectrum & Ardent eCommerce Leadership Dinner, November 2015

What Black Friday means for you tomorrow... Spectrum’s 6th eCommerce Leadership Dinner took place on 23rd November in London in association with Ardent Advisors, the corporate finance firm. Perhaps it was the fast-approaching festive season that made this evening a particularly jovial affair – or, was it something to do with the excitement associated with the even closer ‘Black Friday’?

By |2015-12-02T14:08:01+00:0026 November 2015|News from Spectrum, Spectrum Events|Comments Off on 6th Spectrum & Ardent eCommerce Leadership Dinner, November 2015

Experienced executive-level ICT leader?

Spectrum has recently begun a retained project on behalf of a NYSE listed organisation which provides mission critical services to over 1400 corporate customers in 11 countries throughout Europe. Reporting directly to the CEO, a Vice President ICT is now required to take responsibility for all of the global organisation's internal information and communications technology (ICT) infrastructure, budget, strategy and team.

By |2015-09-30T11:40:35+01:0030 September 2015|News from Spectrum, Spectrum News|Comments Off on Experienced executive-level ICT leader?

Latest Executive Searches

We are currently undertaking the following executive searches for a retained client who is a leader in secure financial transaction processing: Senior Security Analyst Head of Product Development Head of Product Marketing & Communications

By |2015-09-01T11:04:23+01:0018 August 2015|News from Spectrum, Spectrum News|Comments Off on Latest Executive Searches

Sky Futures takes off with Chief Technology Officer and Non-Executive Chairman appointments

Sky Futures is a UK-headquartered organisation which broadly operates in the much talked about ‘drones’ or ‘Unmanned Aerial Vehicle’ (UAV) space. Spectrum conducted searches to appoint a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) pre-fundraising and a Non-Executive Chairman immediately post-fundraising.

By |2015-09-01T11:07:36+01:0021 July 2015|News from Spectrum, Spectrum News|Comments Off on Sky Futures takes off with Chief Technology Officer and Non-Executive Chairman appointments
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