Upcoming events

Previous events

  • On the evening of Thursday 3rd September, Spectrum, the technology executive search firm, co-hosted with Fox Williams, the City of London law firm, an online event for a small group of ten leaders of FinTech organisations. [...]

  • On the evening of Monday 22nd June, Spectrum, the technology executive search firm, co-hosted with Silverpeak, the technology investment bank, an online event for a small group of eight plural Board Chairs of privately held technology [...]

  • On the evening of 26th November, Spectrum hosted a Leadership Dinner for Applied AI businesses in association with Silverpeak, the technology investment bank, and Wiggin, the technology law firm. We brought together 19 peers from artificial intelligence organisations, [...]

  • On the evening of 11th June, Spectrum and Ardent co-hosted a private dinner in Mayfair for leaders of online brands. Twenty senior executive guests joined us for networking and a discussion over dinner. Topics discussed included: Target demographic [...]

  • Spectrum hosted a Chairman Leadership Dinner on 14 May for Chairs within the technology sector. We brought together 18 Chairs for a ‘Chatham House rule’ discussion on their experiences leading a board during a private dinner [...]

  • On the evening of 30th April, Spectrum, Silverpeak, the technology investment bank, and Wiggin, the technology and media law firm, co-hosted a Data Leadership Dinner. We brought together 16 senior executives and board members for a ‘Chatham House [...]

  • On the evening of 26th March, Spectrum and Ardent co-hosted a private dinner in Mayfair for leaders in the online travel industry. Eighteen senior executive guests joined us for networking, and a discussion over dinner on the key themes [...]

  • On the evening of 6th February, Spectrum, Silverpeak, the technology investment bank, and Wiggin, the technology law firm, co-hosted a B2B Software Leadership Dinner. We brought together 20 senior executives and board members for a ‘Chatham House rule’ discussion [...]

  • Spectrum co-hosts regular Leadership Dinners on current topics of interest. We bring together 15-20 peers from businesses, at CEO and Chairman level, for a ‘Chatham House rule’ discussion during a private dinner in Central London. Details [...]

  • On the evening of 13th November, Spectrum, Silverpeak, the technology investment bank, and Wiggin, the technology law firm, co-hosted a HealthTech Leadership Dinner. We brought together 16 senior executives and board members for a ‘Chatham House rule’ discussion [...]

“One of the things I did throughout the history of the company was to lead by example with regard to cost control. On the other hand, I believed that we should never scrimp on the hiring we did. We were fortunate to find an effective headhunter, and that money was well spent. When we found our star talent, we would hire them at any cost because lesser people would end up costing more in the long run.”

Jon Craton, Co-Founder & CEO, Cramer (now Amdocs)

Spectrum Testimonial