8 things every tech scaleup founder should know about boards
Head of investments at London’s BGF Ventures, former LOVEFiLM and Mothercare CEO, and ex-chair of Moo.com, Simon Calver, on how tech founders should manage boards.
Head of investments at London’s BGF Ventures, former LOVEFiLM and Mothercare CEO, and ex-chair of Moo.com, Simon Calver, on how tech founders should manage boards.
As technology becomes ever more the vital linchpin of business strategy and operations, many boards still do not have the know-how to oversee critical technology-driven initiatives, opportunities, and threats.
As change in the business environment accelerates, companies and their boards of directors must follow suit. Given the greater variety of business environments and the growing importance of non-competitive forces, corporate strategy is becoming more complex — and an increasingly important driver of performance. Furthermore, directors are facing calls from other stakeholders, including management and investors, to be more deeply involved in setting strategy.
Boards can play a critical role in maximizing an organization’s cyberresilience - its ability to weather and recover gracefully from almost inevitable security breaches.
Building a strategic advisory board can be an effective way to speed up your sales cycle, gain credibility and be introduced to key stakeholders at your prospect customers in the US.
Interesting analysis from McKinsey on what makes an exceptional CEO: “Exceptional CEOs” are twice as likely to have been brought in from outside than promoted as internal hires.