What is a board’s role in a family business?

As part of PwC's series examining Family Business Corporate Governance its first module focuses on the board's role in a family business. It will help you understand how to build an effective board for your family company, and how boards can assist with some of the particularly challenging issues family companies face. You may want to evolve or change your governance model and what you could expect from a board if you do so. Whilst each family company's situation is unique, the aim is to provide a framework of how corporate governance practices apply to family companies so you can decide what's best for you.

By |2015-07-24T11:29:25+01:001 August 2014|Articles for Board Members, Other News, Views and Research|Comments Off on What is a board’s role in a family business?

The role of an Non-Executive Director within unlisted firms

The role of an NED on an unlisted board may be quite different from that in listed entities, probably due in part to the dynamics of the ownership structure, the influences imposed by internal and external stakeholders and the composition of the boardroom.

By |2015-07-24T11:57:19+01:0030 June 2014|Articles for Board Members, Other News, Views and Research|Comments Off on The role of an Non-Executive Director within unlisted firms
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