Generalise, don’t specialise: why focusing too narrowly is bad for us

The 10,000-hour rule says intense, dedicated practice makes perfect – at that one thing. But what if breadth actually serves us better than depth?  The challenge we all face is how to maintain the benefits of [...]

By |2019-07-31T11:42:04+01:0031 July 2019|HR, Emotional Intelligence & Behaviour, Other News, Views and Research|Comments Off on Generalise, don’t specialise: why focusing too narrowly is bad for us

Women to Watch 2019: spotlight on BAME board talent of the future

Fifty leading female professionals from Black, Asian and other Minority Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds are highlighted in the 2019 Women to Watch supplement, published annually by Cranfield University’s School of Management alongside the Female FTSE Board Report. [...]

By |2019-07-24T11:16:42+01:0024 July 2019|Articles for Board Members, Other News, Views and Research|Comments Off on Women to Watch 2019: spotlight on BAME board talent of the future

Succession Planning – When the Heir Apparent Is the Wrong Choice for CEO

Large companies devote plenty of attention and resources to succession planning, yet a PwC study finds that $112 billion in shareholder value is lost annually because companies pick the wrong people to lead them. The “obvious” choice is [...]

By |2019-07-17T11:37:22+01:0017 July 2019|Articles for CEOs, Other News, Views and Research|Comments Off on Succession Planning – When the Heir Apparent Is the Wrong Choice for CEO

‘I did the right thing’: Richer Sounds boss has no regrets

"I’m doing the right thing because I sleep better at night,” says an exhausted-sounding Julian Richer, after a momentous week in which he won plaudits for handing control of his Richer Sounds business to staff. For once though, the entrepreneur’s good deeds have cost him sleep. The 60-year-old has been up all night after being engulfed in a media storm after the Guardian revealed he had transferred 60% of his shares to a John Lewis-style trust.

By |2019-06-21T11:12:03+01:0021 June 2019|HR, Emotional Intelligence & Behaviour, Other News, Views and Research|Comments Off on ‘I did the right thing’: Richer Sounds boss has no regrets

Non-White Quotas in the Boardroom

Should the Government think about an ambitious plan to bring more BAME minorities, (BAME - Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic, used to refer to members of non-white communities in the UK) into Britain's boardrooms? The aim could be for one in five directors of FTSE 100 companies to be from a BAME background. Lord Davies' review into women in the boardroom, which began in 2011 and has had some success in increasing the numbers of women in senior business roles. But is this a good thing and do we need quotas?

By |2019-06-20T11:04:02+01:0018 June 2019|Articles for Board Members, Other News, Views and Research|Comments Off on Non-White Quotas in the Boardroom
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