Revenue solves most problems
The current technology sector media narrative suggests Europe is generally weak when compared with the US. Despite being a UK citizen, I do identify as European, and I would like to see its tech ventures do [...]
The current technology sector media narrative suggests Europe is generally weak when compared with the US. Despite being a UK citizen, I do identify as European, and I would like to see its tech ventures do [...]
The key to successful interviewing (and to running a series of interviews conducted by your executive team) is to remain tightly focussed. Here are Spectrum’s top 10 tips for interviewing prospective executive and board hires:
Chances are, as a senior executive, you may not have attended an interview for many years. Like any skill, the less you do it, the rustier you get. So, here is Spectrum’s 13-point plan to maximise your performance at interview.
Your 1st 90 days in a new leadership role – whether it be with your existing organisation or a new employer – will largely dictate not only whether you are successful, but how successful.
Clients are often very nervous about sales recruitment. It is easy to understand why: • Sales performance is easy to measure, and therefore success - or failure - is very visible; • Sales is not a ‘profession’, and therefore candidates won’t possess a formal sales education as if they were a finance or legal professionals for example; • Sales models are changing, and therefore some sales methodologies are outdated; • Getting sales recruitment right is crucially important to a business, but so often it fails, which is why many candidates have numerous employers listed on their CV. However, there is an answer to successful sales recruitment.
A well crafted CV is the best investment you can ever make. These are our top 12 tips for preparing your compelling executive CV.